Children’s Funerals
We are proud to be able to help you at such a significant and painful time, providing a gentle, caring female touch following the loss of a baby or child.
We will provide you with a complete service and our full support throughout whatever your wishes may be, just like any other funeral.
We guarantee we will never charge for our own services to care for any one under the age of 18 and we strive to ensure that any third party costs for services included in any child’s funeral are also provided free of charge or at a very minimal cost.
We ensure that all children’s funerals and the care surrounding them are approached in a dignified and respectful way but yet also relaxed manner hopefully putting you and your family at ease. We can appreciate that making contact with us at such an unexpected and untimely period in your life can be daunting and promise to do our best to provide you with as much comfort as we can.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, we are human too and we are here for you.
Laura x